A Heart To Despise
Identity created day after day,
Reality transformed every which way.
Can't even tell the truth from the lies,
Trapped in this body a heart to despise.
Desperately trying to do something right,
Hopes and dreams no longer in sight.
Emotionally lacking, more dead than alive;
Waiting to be picked off, no chance to survive.
Wondering what all this living is worth,
With only one chance, only one birth.
Feelings seem distant, diluted, and bland,
Lacking a context to understand.
No longer able to go on like this,
More than a hunch that something's amiss.
No time for self, only for tasks,
Living behind well-crafted masks.
When the mask breaks, what happens then?
Exposed, an imposter, nobody's friend.
Quickly revert back to old ways,
Make a new mask day after day.
Believe once again in a world full of lies,
Trapped in this body a heart to despise.