Just before I was born,
I think my dad drove my mum in our car
to the local hospital,
Just before you were born,
I think your dad walked miles with your mum
to a place far from home.
Where I was born it was a comfy and sterile place,
where I slept soundly in pink blankets in a plastic bed.
Doctors and nurses in abundance cared for my mum and me.
Where you were born, it was exposed and smelly,
cows and sheep nibbled at the straw on which you lay asleep.
There were no doctors, no nurses and no pain relief.
On the day I was born,
my Dad sent an announcement to the local paper
stating time, date, name and weight.
On the day you were born,
your Dad sent angels to announce :
"news of great joy, the Saviour is born",
but no mention of the hour or how many pounds!
After I was born lots of visitors came bringing presents :-
pink teddies, rattles, babygrows and booties;
they were my aunties, my uncles,
my nannies and my granddads.
After you were born lots of visitors came bringing presents :-
gold, frankincense, myrhh and . . . themselves?
They were rich leraned men from the east
and poor illiterates from the hills.
I grew up in relative luxury,
going to school but with time to play.
You grew up in relative poverty,
learning a trade from the cradle.
During my youth
my motivation was my own satisfaction.
During your youth
your motivation was my own salvation.
Question :
What does a child from 1st century Middle East
have in common with a child from 20th century Europe?
Answer :
"You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus Christ was.
Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor,
so that by his poverty he could make you rich." (2 Cor 8:9)