Ronnie & Heather Skene - Lumière dans l'obscurité
In October 2010, the Association Protestante Evangélique Castrogontérienne (APEC) organised a painting exhibition with Heather Skene and various amateur artists from the association. The exhibition was open the weekend of 30-31 October and was held in the Salle St Jacques, Château-Gontier.
During this weekend Ronnie Skene gave two presentations. The first, given on the Saturday evening, was based on the technique "clair-obscur" used in painting and made famous by Le Caravage, but also applied by artists such as Rembrandt, De la Tour, Gerrit Van Honthorst, etc. The second presentation was given during the church service the Sunday morning and was based on the theme "Dieu est lumière" (God is Light) where he spoke about various paintings and artists with particular attention to the British painter Holman Hunt and his painting "Light of the World".
Both videos are available in DivX format to download via :
1. Presentation on the technique "clair-obscur" and 2. Presenation "Dieu est lumière"