
Songwriter's Festival

This was a two-day festival I helped to organsise with the association Challenge & Musik and another association, LA Songwiters Family. It took place on the 19th & 20th September 2008, and was headlined by Jimme O'Neill on the Friday evening and Terry Lee Hale on the Saturday. The support for both nights was provided by local musicians from the two associations, including yours truly! Unfortunately I couldn't video myself, so there's no proof!

On the Saturday aternoon we ran a masterclass on songwriting. Lee Arvin, a musician friend from Laval was the presenter and we had a great time grilling Terry Lee Hale for his thoughts and ideas on songwriting, as well as discovering some of his methods. Click here to see the edited version of the masterclass.

The videos shown here are of the local support artists. Evenutally I'll get around to working on the tapes of Jimme O'Neill and Terry Lee Hale. Hope you enjoy !