Holy Scrolls - The Origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls
When young Danny is taken with his parents to visit a local museum, he can't wait to get out of there and find something less boring to do. But a meeting a friendly elderly man helps him to discover the exitement of history, in particular concerning the origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
This is a great comic, which gives a brief overview of the events leading to the Scrolls being written and eventually hidden in the caves at Qumran. It's well drawn by Diego Candia and written by Brett Burner, with great pace, and really does inspire an interest in history in general, but particulalry with reference to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical accuracy.
The publishers, Lamp Post Inc., have graciously made the comic available to read online at wowio.com where it can also be downloaded for a small fee. Alternatively, a hard copy can be ordered directly from Lamp Post Inc., where they have a number of other comics and books available.
Below are a few sample pages from the comic to whet your appetite!